Deebot Not Charging? Best Practices for Troubleshooting

Why is My Deebot Not Charging? Possible Causes and Solutions

Dec 25, 2023
The main advantage of a robot vacuum like your Deebot is the freedom and convenience it offers. But owning such a machine also means you need to deal with a whole host of new problems, such as your Deebot not charging.

These advanced machines still require you to clean and maintain them on a regular basis. And sometimes, unexpected issues still crop up. Your Deeboot might suddenly refuse to charge, for example.

If this has happened to you, don't panic. Here are some of the most common solutions for your Deebot not charging you should try before sending it back to your retailer or a repair shop.

Why Is My Deebot Vacuum Not Charging?

Typically, if you find out that your Deebot won't charge, the dock or the battery is at blame. There are many reasons that can lead to this issue:

Improper Contact Between The Dock And The Robot

Each robot vacuum contains metal connections that will come into contact with the charging dock, often on the bottom or front, and this connection transfers the charge from the dock to the robot.

Most of the time, your Deebot can find its way back to the base and dock itself in order to align the charging pins. But a lot of things can knock them out of position: children playing rough, a carelessly flung bag, or pets playing balls.

Once seated, the robot can't detect this wrong alignment. And as it becomes disconnected, there is no way for the dock to charge it.

Instead, it will gradually lose all of its power until the battery is completely gone. You will find a powerless robot vacuum the next time you want to clean your room.

This issue is simple to fix since no part gets broken or faulty. You just need to seat your Deebot properly again, and it will start charging.

The robot needs to sit properly in the dock

The robot needs to sit properly in the dock

The Docking Station Is Unplugged

It is easy to see why the dock needs to be plugged into a wall socket or a power strip so the charging functionality can work. If you forget this step, there is no source from which it can draw power to charge your Deeboot. This mistake happens more often than you might think.

Some may have their dock plugged in all the time. But one day, the power cord is kicked off the socket by accident, and suddenly, the docking station appears to mysteriously stop working.

Or someone in your family may have disconnected the charging station when they need the plug for another appliance.

If this is the case, all you need to do is replug the dock. A quick check to ensure that all power cables are firmly connected may save a great deal of time and troubleshooting effort.

Even simply unplugging and plugging it back may do the trick. Yes, we all hate it when the IT expert advises us to disconnect and plug back in a computer or smartphone. But it is the most frequent and straightforward solution for various power issues since it resets the electrical system in those machines.

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The Robot Vacuum Has Been Turned Off

In addition to properly connecting it with the docking station, you will also need to keep your robot on when charging. This may seem like odd behavior, but Deebot robot vacuums will not charge when they are switched off.

The Battery Is Depleted Completely

If you have used your robot vacuum a lot without charging it, the battery will get depleted eventually.

A battery that has been completely drained of electricity has no remaining capacity. This can create some problems as a discharged battery can get harder to charge from zero.

Instead of a regular charge, you may need to reactivate the battery with some additional steps. These steps are simple but may take more time than normal.

The Dock Or Battery Is Faulty

The worst root cause you can have with your Ecovacs Deebot not charging is a component that has worn out to the point it needs to be repaired or even replaced.

The battery is often the first thing you need to replace when owning a robot vacuum. Modern technologies have enabled batteries to hold more power in a smaller form. But at the end of the day, they all rely on chemical reactions under the hood.

Degradation in batteries doesn't occur all at once. They will lose their capacities, slowly but surely, over time. Not only does the maximum amount of electricity they can store decrease, but also the period of time they can store it.

It is hard to predict battery degradation. While Deebot comes from a reputable manufacturer, the batteries of some units may stop working sooner than others. This also depends on the frequency at which you use your robot vacuum.

Another component that may become broken is the dock. When this happens, it will refuse to charge your robot vacuum.

Repairing them is hard to resolve without technical expertise. You will need to contact your retailer to file a warranty claim or call a repairman when your Deebot is out of warranty.

You may need a battery replacement

You may need a battery replacement

Ecovacs also sells replacement batteries for their robot vacuums on various platforms. If you can handle such replacement, DIY is a cost-saving solution. Standalone charging docks are also available if you want to replace the one that comes with your robot.

You might want to switch back to corded models, such as the Shark Apex Uplight, when your robot is completely broken and beyond repair. With those machines, you don’t have to deal with battery and charging issues.

Solutions For Your Deebot Not Charging

Depending on the root cause, you can try these options at home to troubleshoot your Deebot and make it work again.

Examine The Contact Between The Robot And The Dock

Check that you have followed the official charging instructions for your Deebot before going ahead. Then make sure that the robot vacuum is correctly situated on the charging base.

  • To test the connection, unseat and reseat the robot from its base or dock. When the bot is correctly connected, you should normally see lights or hear it say "charging."
  • Additionally, you should ensure that the pins are clear of debris and dust since this might prevent your dock from functioning.
  • Let it charge for a couple of minutes before you check the battery status again. If everything is fine, you should have a fully charged robot vacuum in a few hours.

Clean The Robot's And Base Station's Sensors

It is possible that some or all of your robot's sensors have become dirty. This is not unexpected when you consider that the robot vacuum's purpose is to clean your floors. Often, dirt, grit, and grime may build up over time, impairing the capacity of sensors to conduct electricity.

  • Remove the robot from the charging station, flip it over, and wash the metal connections with a clean, wet cloth.
  • While you are down there, you should also clean the room and the cliff detection sensors (they look like tiny tinted windows).
  • Do the same with the base station's sensors and charging contacts.
  • Ensure that everything is dry before reassembling the robot vacuum and dock, and as we have mentioned, ensure that it is correctly seated.

Turn On The Robot

If you find out that the robot has been turned off, you will need to turn it back.

  • Unseat the robot and get it off the dock. Before connecting the Deebot to the dock again, push the AUTO mode button. On most Deebot models, this will indicate that the robot has power and is turned on.
  • If this does not work, ensure that the bottom-mounted power switch is in the "On" position.
  • Connect your Deebot to the dock after it has been turned on, and the robot will begin charging.

Make Sure That Your Dock Has Power

Make sure the dock is properly plugged in

Make sure the dock is properly plugged in

  • Find the power cord of the dock and plug it into a nearby socket if it has been disconnected. If it is already plugged in and there is still no charging, unplug and plug it in again.
  • If the lights of the robot come on and it gives you some sound notifications, the charging should begin right away.

Reactivate The Discharged Battery

If it has been completely depleted, you will need to activate your Deebot's battery before charging it normally.

  • First, put it in the charging station for three minutes. Then remove it from the dock, wait a few seconds, and then place it back for another three minutes.
  • You may need to repeat the procedure two or three times. After that, put the robot vacuum in the dock (with the bottom power switch turned on) and allow it to charge normally.

Perform A Factory Reset

If nothing else works, a factory reset may be necessary. Use this option as a last resort since it may erase some of your settings or schedules.

You will likely find the exact instructions for resetting your robot vacuum on its app or manuals. You can also Google your model followed by "factory reset."

Carry out these steps with your Deebot DN622 not charging. They are also applicable to most other Deebot models.

  • Turn on the robot first
  • Press and hold the reset button for a few seconds until you hear a sound notification. This reset button is typically located next to the power button. You may need a pen or toothpick to press it precisely.
  • When the reset completes, the robot will make three little beeps. Put it back into the docking station to see if the charging function works again.

Replace The Battery or Dock

If you have tried all the above methods without success, it may indicate a more serious issue with your Deebot's battery or charging station. If this is the case, you may need a replacement for one of those components.

Technically-minded people can replace the battery on their own since this is a fairly simple task.

If you attempt this, make sure to get the replacement battery from a reliable supplier and ensure that its capacity and charging requirements match those of the original battery. Similarly, you may be able to purchase a new charging dock from a third party if the current one no longer works.

Fortunately, many Deebot models share the same battery. For instance, you can buy a battery online to deal with your Deebot N79S or Deebot N79 not charging.

If your Deebot vacuum is still under warranty, you may be able to request a repair or replacement for your battery or dock from the manufacturer or the retailer where you bought it. Send the robot to them to see if they can repair it for you at no cost.

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Tips On Using And Charging The Battery Of Your Robot Vacuum

When it comes to modern appliances like robot vacuums, the battery is one of the most fragile components. If it fails, nothing will function.

Each rechargeable battery has a limited number of cycles or how many times it may be discharged and recharged. Each time a battery completes a cycle, the amount of energy it can store decreases somewhat.

That said, there are many things you can do to slow down this degradation. Battery replacements are not cheap, and the longer lifespan you can make out of the battery, the more money you save.

Keep Your Robot Vacuum At Normal Temperatures

Extreme cold and heat are equally bad for batteries. Cold temperatures can reduce a battery's maximum capacity, requiring the robot vacuum to be recharged more often. On the other hand, it has been shown that high temperatures speed up the degradation between cycles.

Keep your robot vacuum at moderate temperatures whenever possible in order to extend its battery's lifespan. This advice applies to far more than just your vacuum - you also adhere to it with your laptops and smartphones.

Store your Deebot in a cool and dry place. The battery should not be exposed to direct sunlight. Also, make sure you leave the machine enough space to breathe, away from other heat-generating appliances and devices.

Keep The Brushes Clean

Batteries deteriorate when they are discharged and recharged. If your robot is operating effectively, it will use less energy and need fewer recharges.

Keeping the brushes on your robot vacuum free of tangles and loose dirt will allow it to operate at full efficiency and help with the battery's health.

Put Your Robotic Vacuum Into Use

Don't buy a robot vacuum if you only plan to use it a few times a year. It is crucial to avoid leaving the battery of a robot vacuum at 0% charge for a long period of time, which often happens when people forget about the existence of their vacuum.

Get your Deebot out of its charging station and clean your house with it regularly. There are certainly many dirty places that can use a robot vacuum.

Find A Good Charging Location

Place the dock away from the wall when possible

Place the dock away from the wall when possible

Flat surfaces, such as tile or hardwood flooring, are ideal for placing the charging dock of your Deebot. Carpeted surfaces may block airflow to the battery, causing it to overheat.

Your Deebot should always have a clear path back to its charging station. Also, make sure that the dock does not lean against a wall and is not in a busy area. This caution can prevent dangerous trip-and-fall.


Deebot not charging is actually a common problem. Luckily, you can fix it easily yourself most of the time.

The most popular reason is improper to contact between your robot vacuum and its docking station. All you need to do is try to position it again until perfect contact has been established. That said, always be prepared if the battery has degraded to the point it can't be used anymore. You will need a replacement in this case.


  • 01. How To Know Whether My Deebot Is Charging?
  • The AUTO mode button should illuminate while Deebot is charging and stops flashing after the robot is completely charged.

  • 02. How Long Does A Full Charge On A Deebot Last?
  • Depending on the model, a fully charged Ecovacs Deebot battery lasts between 90 and 200 minutes on average. This figure mostly depends on your model, whether it is an old unit, and how frequently you have used it.

    The Deebot 900, for instance, has a maximum lifespan of 90 minutes, whilst the Deebot OZMO 950 can operate for up to 200 minutes on a single charge. On top of that, the floor surface and cleaning mode also play a role in the operation of a robot vacuum.

    More powerful settings draw power from the battery more quickly. On the Max setting, the Deebot 900's battery life is around 45 minutes. Is your Deebot 900 not charging? Probably you have put it to the limit more often and degrade the battery faster.

  • 03. How Long Does It Take For Deebot To Charge?
  • It takes between three and five hours to fully charge a Deebot battery from zero. However, charging the Deebot battery takes less than three hours if it is not completely depleted.

    For this reason, we recommend charging your robot vacuum early and charging it often. This will prevent a depleted battery and make your vacuum ready all the time. You will never know when you need to do a cleanup with it.

  • 04. Can I Leave My Deebot Unit Charging All The Time?
  • Absolutely. In fact, Ecovacs recommends leaving your Deebot at the charging dock when it is not in use.

    Don't worry about overcharging it. Once the battery is full, the robot will turn off the power and fall into sleep mode to prevent overheating.

  • 05. Should I Replace My Deebot's Battery?
  • Deebot includes a long-lasting battery that does not need regular replacement.

    But when your Deebot's battery is completely depleted, or you have not used it for a long time, degradation may happen and decrease its capacity. Getting a new battery for your vacuum can help it start fresh and give it more cleaning time.

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