How to Wash O Cedar Mop Head: Extend Your Mop's Life with Proper Care

How to Wash O Cedar Mop Head: A Comprehensive Tutorial

Apr 20, 2023
Are you tired of dealing with dirty floors and ineffective mops that just push the dirt around? O-Cedar mops are the answer to your cleaning woes. They're durable, efficient, and affordable, making them a popular choice for homeowners and cleaning professionals alike.

But let's be honest. You will need to learn how to wash O Cedar mop head sooner or later. And no matter how great your mop is, the chore of cleaning and maintaining it can be a hassle.

Luckily, we've got you covered with our step-by-step guide on how to wash O Cedar mop heads effectively. Whether you prefer to hand wash or use a washing machine, we'll walk you through the process to ensure your mop head is clean and ready to tackle your floors once again.

So, let's get started and say goodbye to those stubborn stains and dirt on your mop head.

Things You Will Need

Here's a list of everything you'll need to wash your O-Cedar mop head:

  • Warm water
  • Cleaning solution (vinegar or another mild detergent)
  • A bucket or sink
  • Rubber gloves (optional)
  • A scrub brush or toothbrush
  • A vacuum or broom (optional)
  • A washing machine (for machine washing)
  • Mesh laundry bag (for machine-washing)
  • A dryer or clothesline (for air-drying)

How To Wash O Cedar Mop Head

Remove The Mop Head

Removing the mop head from your O-Cedar mop is the first step in cleaning it properly. While this may seem like a simple task, it can be tricky if you're not familiar with the process and haven't done it before. This section will cover it briefly but you can always learn more about how to remove O Cedar mop head in another guide of ours.

There are various O-Cedar mop designs

There are various O-Cedar mop designs

O-Cedar offers a variety of mop designs to meet different cleaning needs and preferences: spin, microfiber, and spray mops. Each of these designs has a different way of attaching or detaching the mop head.

For example, spin mops feature a locking mechanism that allows you to twist the mop handle to detach the mop head from the base. Microfiber mops may have a Velcro attachment system that allows you to easily remove and replace the mop head. Spray mops from this manufacturer, on the other hand, typically have a release button on the side of the mop head that you can press to detach it from the mop handle.

It's important to note that the process for removing the mop head may vary slightly depending on the specific model of O-Cedar spray mop that you have.

The following are generic instructions for common O-Cedar mops on the market. If possible, refer to the manufacturer's instructions for your particular unit to ensure that you are following the correct steps for removing the mop head.

Spin Mops

Here are the detailed instructions on how to remove the head for the O-Cedar spin mops:

  • Stand the mop upright with the mop head facing down.
  • Place your foot on the mop head to secure it in place.
  • Twist the mop handle to unlock it from the mop head.
  • Pull the mop handle straight up to remove the mop head from the base.
  • Once the mop head is removed, you can detach it from the mop handle by pressing the release button located near the base of the mop head.

Microfiber Mops

Press the release button to get the head off the mop

Press the release button to get the head off the mop

Here are the detailed instructions on how to remove the head for the O-Cedar microfiber mops:

  • Start by releasing the mop head from the mop handle. Most O-Cedar microfiber mops feature a release button located near the base of the mop head that you can press to detach it from the mop handle.
  • Once the mop head is released from the mop handle, flip it over so that the bottom of the mop head is facing up.
  • Locate the four plastic tabs that secure the mop head to the mop base. These tabs are typically located at the corners of the mop head.
  • Gently press down on one of the tabs with your thumb while using your other hand to pull the mop head away from the base. Repeat this process for the remaining tabs until the mop head is completely removed from the base.

Spray Mops

Here are the detailed instructions on how to remove the head for the O-Cedar spray mops:

  • Ensure that the mop is turned off and that the cleaning solution reservoir is empty.
  • Place the mop on a flat surface and step on the base to hold it steady.
  • Locate the release button on the side of the mop head.
  • Press and hold the release button while gently pulling the mop head away from the mop handle.

Pre-Cleaning The Mop Head

You should pre-clean a mop head before washing it

You should pre-clean a mop head before washing it

Before diving into the main cleaning process, it's important to take a few minutes to pre-clean your O-Cedar mop head. By learning how to clean O Cedar mop heads, you can help ensure that your mop is as effective as possible and that you get the best possible results from your cleaning routine.

Shake The Mop Head

To pre-clean your mop head, start by shaking it out over a trash can or sink. This will help remove any loose dirt, hair, or debris that may be clinging to the mop fibers.

  • Hold the mop handle firmly with one hand, making sure to keep a firm grip on the base of the mop head.
  • Using your other hand, grasp the mop fibers at the top of the mop head.
  • Shake the mop head vigorously over a trash can or sink, using a side-to-side motion to help loosen any dirt, hair, or debris that may be clinging to the fibers.
  • Continue shaking the mop head until you are no longer seeing any loose debris falling out of the fibers.

Remember to be careful not to hit anyone or anything with the mop head as you shake it and to avoid touching the dirty mop fibers with your bare hands.

Vacuum The Mop Head

You can also use a vacuum cleaner to remove any remaining debris from the mop head.

  • First, detach the mop head from the handle by pulling on the mop head tabs.
  • Hold the mop head over a trash can or sink and give it a gentle shake to remove any loose debris.
  • Attach the upholstery tool attachment to your vacuum cleaner's hose.
  • Turn on the vacuum cleaner and run the upholstery tool attachment over the surface of the mop head, using a back-and-forth motion to loosen and remove any remaining dirt or debris.
  • Continue vacuuming the mop head until you have removed as much dirt and debris as possible.

Don't damage the fibers of the mop head while vacuuming, and avoid using too much force or pressure on the mop fibers.

A vacuum can help you clean your mop

A vacuum can help you clean your mop

Rinsing The Mop Head

If your mop head is particularly dirty, you may want to consider giving it a quick rinse in warm water to remove any stubborn dirt or stains.

  • Hold the mop head under a faucet with warm running water, making sure to avoid using hot water, which can damage the fibers.
  • Rinse the mop head thoroughly, using your hands to squeeze and massage the fibers to help release any dirt or debris.
  • Continue rinsing the mop head until the water runs clear and you no longer see any dirt or debris coming out of the fibers.

Be gentle when rinsing the mop head, and avoid using any harsh chemicals or bleach, which can damage the fibers. It's also important to make sure that you rinse the mop head thoroughly to remove any dirt or debris that may be clinging to the fibers.

Wash The Mop Head

Some O-Cedar mop heads are machine washable, while others should be hand-washed. Be sure to check the care instructions on your mop head before washing it.


There may be times when pre-cleaning your mop head isn't enough, and you need to give it a more thorough wash. Maybe you used it to clean up a particularly stubborn spill, or perhaps it has accumulated some dirt and grime from repeated use. In these cases, it's important to give your mop head a proper manual wash.

To manually wash your O-Cedar mop head, follow these steps:

  • Fill a bucket with warm water and add a gentle detergent or cleaning solution. You can consider a homemade mixture of a cup of white vinegar for each gallon of water. Avoid using bleach or other harsh chemicals that could damage the mop head fibers.
  • Submerge the mop head in soapy water and gently agitate it to loosen any dirt or debris.
  • Let the mop head soak for several minutes to allow the cleaning solution to penetrate the fibers.
  • Remove the mop head from the water and rinse it thoroughly with clean water.
  • Gently squeeze the mop head to remove excess water, being careful not to damage the fibers.
  • Hang the mop head up to air dry completely before reattaching it to the mop handle.

Some tips for manually washing your O-Cedar mop head:

  • Use a mild detergent or cleaning solution to avoid damaging the fibers.
  • Avoid twisting or wringing the mop head, as this can cause damage and affect its effectiveness.
  • Don't mix your O-Cedar mop head with other laundry items, as this can lead to lint and debris buildup.
  • Always allow the mop head to air dry completely before using it again.

Washing Machine

Most O-Cedar mops are safe to use with a washing machine

Most O-Cedar mops are safe to use with a washing machine

If your O-Cedar mop head is heavily soiled or has been used for an extended period of time, you may need to give it a deeper clean than hand washing can provide. The good thing is most mop heads from O-Cedar are machine-washable.

To machine-wash your O-Cedar mop head:

  • First, remove any excess debris from the mop head by shaking or rinsing it.
  • Place the mop head into a mesh laundry bag to protect it from damage during the wash cycle.
  • Add a small amount of mild detergent to the washing machine.
  • Set the washing machine to a delicate or gentle cycle with cold water.
  • Run the machine through a complete wash cycle.
  • After the cycle is complete, remove the mop head from the mesh laundry bag and allow it to air dry completely before using it again.

Here are a few tips to keep in mind when machine-washing your O-Cedar mop head:

  • Avoid using bleach or fabric softener, as these can damage the mop head fibers.
  • Use a mild detergent to avoid leaving any residue or buildup on the mop head.
  • Do not wash the mop head with other items, as this can lead to tangling or damage.

Hand-Washing Vs. Machine-Washing


Handwashing is often a good option

Handwashing is often a good option

While some people may be tempted to toss their O-Cedar mop head in the washing machine to save time and effort, there are actually some benefits to manually washing your mop head instead. By taking the time to give your mop head a proper manual wash, you can ensure that it lasts longer, performs better, and helps to keep your home cleaner and healthier.

One major benefit is that manual washing allows you to be more gentle with the mop head fibers.

The agitation and a spin cycle of a washing machine can be quite rough, which can damage or break down the fibers of the mop head over time. By manually washing the mop head, you can control the amount of agitation and ensure that the fibers stay intact.

Manually washing your mop head can also help to prevent tangling or knotting of the fibers.

In a washing machine, the mop head can get twisted and tangled with other laundry items, which can cause clumps or knots to form in the fibers. By washing the mop head by hand, you can avoid this issue and keep the fibers flowing smoothly.

On top of that, manually washing your mop head tends to give you a better sense of control over the cleaning process.

You can see exactly how much dirt and grime is being removed from the mop head, and ensure that it is thoroughly cleaned before being used again. This can give you greater peace of mind and help to prevent the spread of germs and bacteria in your home.


That said, a washing machine can offer a lot of benefits too.

Convenience is certainly among the top advantages of this method. It can be much easier and quicker to simply put the mop head in the washing machine with your other laundry rather than taking the time to wash it by hand. This can be particularly beneficial if you have a busy schedule or if you need to clean your mop head frequently.

Another plus point about washing machines is their effectiveness at removing stubborn stains and dirt.

The high-powered agitation and spin cycle of a washing machine can help to loosen and remove dirt and grime that may be deeply embedded in the mop head fibers. Additionally, using hot water in the machine can help to sanitize the mop head and kill germs and bacteria.

Washing makes the mop head’s microfiber strands free of dirt and bacteria

Washing makes the mop head's microfiber strands free of dirt and bacteria

Machine washing can also be a good option for those who may have physical limitations that make manual washing difficult. For example, someone with arthritis or other mobility issues may find it easier to use a washing machine rather than hand-washing the mop head.

However, it's important to use the appropriate settings on your washing machine and to avoid using fabric softener or bleach, which can damage the mop head fibers.


Now that you've learned how to wash O Cedar mop head, you're on your way to a cleaner, more hygienic home. Whether you choose to pre-clean it with various tools or toss it in the washing machine, those steps can make sure your mop head is free Best Dust Mops For Hardwood Floors of dirt and bacteria.

By following the tips and instructions provided in this guide, you can keep your O-Cedar mop head in top shape for all your cleaning needs. It will work wonders with other cleaning tools, such as the Best Dust Mops For Hardwood Floors, to make your floors cleaner and healthier.


  • 01. Can You Wash O-Cedar Mop Head?
  • Yes, you can wash the head of your O-Cedar mop. In fact, it's an essential part of maintaining its effectiveness and cleanliness.

  • 02. Why Should I Wash Your O Cedar's Mop Head?
  • Washing o-cedar mop heads is important because it removes dirt, grime, and bacteria that can build up over time and reduce the effectiveness of the mop. It also helps to extend the life of the mop head and prevent unpleasant odors from developing.

  • 03. How Often Should I Wash My O Cedar's Mop Head?
  • To keep your O-Cedar mop head clean and effective, it's recommended to wash it after each use.

    You can also do this as needed, depending on how often you use the mop, as well as the level of dirt and grime it picks up. If the mop head becomes visibly soiled or begins to emit an unpleasant odor, it's time to give it a thorough cleaning.

  • 04. When Should I Replace The Mop Head?
  • When the mop head becomes worn, frayed, or no longer effectively cleans, it's time to replace it. The official recommendation is to get a new mop refill every three months.

  • 05. How To Get A Mop Head White Again?
  • To get a mop head white again, soak it in a solution of hot water and bleach, or use a stain remover before washing.

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